
Illustration Commissions & Freelance Animation

About Me

Jennifer/Pastel || 21 || She/Her

My name is Jennifer, and I'm an independent Illustrator and Animator from Northern Ireland in the UK!
I am currently on a 4 year course with Ulster University for Animation.
I've been drawing art for over a decade now, and have been studying animation for at least 3 years!

Storyboard Line Lead / Colourist:

Artist/Illustrator Contributor:

Moderation Intern:


Animation Comms

Commission Status:


- Artwork commissioned from me is for personal use only, unless expressly discussed and decided beforehand.This is so we can further discuss the finer details of payment for the usage of my work in commercial circumstances. Feel free to DM or E-mail me to pitch your project concepts (whether industry-related or online-related) and hopefully we can come to a mutual agreement.Note: I am EXPRESSLY AGAINST any of my work being used to train AI Art Programs. Please do not commission me if you have the intention to use my work for AI purposes, I do not and will not consent to it.

- I have the right to refuse any commission that is pitched to me.I could have any reason to do so, and even if I don't clarify the specifics of my reasoning, I will treat every and all communication with a potential client with the utmost respect and professionalism.

- Pricing for Animation work will always start with a baseline of £150 per day.This baseline price may be raised due to the length or complexity of the work requested. I am open to negotiations on alternate pricing for Animation work depending on the needs of your project.

- Clear and precise communication is needed to fulfil the requirements of your pitch.I cannot deliver the work you need if I don't understand what you want from me. When you are first getting into contact with me for an Animation Commission, you need to have already considered your answers for the following questions:

How many animations do you need?
How long will each animation be?
What resolution and format should they be?
Where will the animations be displayed?
Do you have any examples or inspirations for how your animations should look?

- Share any and all inspirations you have for the final product!If you're inspired by a specific style of animation, or have image references such as moodboards and collages that'll inform the product you want from me, I urge you to compile it together and send a link my way so I can get a better understanding of your vision.

- Progress updates will be given during key points in development.Before accepting a Commission, we will discuss a schedule for when I must give updates to show progress on my work and at what points in development these should take place.This is to ensure that the Commissioner is happy with how the final product is turning out, and if there are any changes that need to be made, then they can be sorted out early on before the Production phase.

***- When using or posting my work publicly, you must clearly and directly credit me. ***This can done either with an @mention on whatever social media platform it is posted to, a direct link to this Carrd or a direct link to one of my other socials. And wherever possible, my name must be included in the credits of the final productTo claim ownership or copyright of my work without my signed consent can result in legal action being taken.I will also ask to post the completed work on my own socials with watermarks, in which the client has the right to accept or deny this proposition.

- Payments will only be made through PayPal Invoice or Ko-fi.Once the commission has been accepted, I will either send an invoice on PayPal within the next 2-3 business days, or send a screenshot receipt of your payment on Ko-fi within the next 2 - 3 business days.I will only start working on the commission when the payment has been sent and received.

I will animate:

Official Characters
Fan Characters
Original Characters
Ships (Canon, OCs, Canon x OC)

If you have any questions, or you want to request a commission, then contact me with any of the socials below:

Illustration Comms

Commission Status:

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me with any of the socials below:


- Artwork commissioned from me is for personal use only, unless expressly discussed and decided beforehand.This is so we can further discuss the finer details of payment for the usage of my work in commercial circumstances. Feel free to DM or E-mail me to pitch your project concepts (whether industry-related or online-related) and hopefully we can come to a mutual agreement.Note: I am EXPRESSLY AGAINST any of my work being used to train AI Art Programs. Please do not commission me if you have the intention to use my work for AI purposes, I do not and will not consent to it.

- I have the right to refuse any commission that is pitched to me.I could have any reason to do so, and even if I don't clarify the specifics of my reasoning, I will treat every and all communication with a potential client with the utmost respect and professionalism.

- Communication must be clear and civil. I have the right to refuse my service if the potential client is rude, demanding or derogative towards me.

***- When using or posting my work publicly, you must clearly and directly credit me. ***This can done either with an @mention on whatever social media platform it is posted to, a direct link to this Carrd or a direct link to one of my other socials.To claim ownership or copyright of my work without my signed consent can result in legal action being taken.I will also ask to post the completed artwork on my own socials with watermarks, in which the client has the right to accept or deny this proposition.

- Payments will only be made through PayPal Invoice or Ko-fi.Once the commission has been accepted, I will either send an invoice on PayPal within the next 2-3 business days, or send a screenshot receipt of your payment on Ko-fi within the next 2 - 3 business days.I will only start working on the commission when the payment has been sent and received.

- I can draw characters from official licensed media, fan characters for said media or original characters. When requesting an original character, visual references must be provided.

I will draw:

Official Characters
Fan Characters
Original Characters
Ships (Canon, OCs, Canon x OC)

Digital Style

Digital Style is my main commissionable art style, which I have developed over the course of multiple years now.A single full body character with a transparent background will cost the baseline price that is presented here, with extra features such as more characters and background environments to be added on top of that price.I have conveyed these details through the use of a simple diagram that emphasises the differences between the two sub-sections of this style.

⬇️ Click on the Images to open them in high quality ⬇️

Sketch - £20 / Lineart - £40 / Flat Colours - £50Cell Shading - £65 / Painterly Shading - £80

FOR CELL SHADING: Extra Character - 50% of Base Price / Background - 25% of Base PriceFOR PAINTERLY SHADING: Extra Character - 100% of Base Price / Background - 75% of Base Price

Chibi Style

Chibi Style offers a relatively cheaper alternative to my main Digital Style in return for simplified proportions and a more cutesy visual style.A single full body character with a transparent background will cost the baseline price that is presented here, with two sub-sections of this art style that vary in price depending on the level of detail included in the final piece of artwork.

Backgrounds are not included in this style.

⬇️ Click on the Images to open them in high quality ⬇️

Sketch - £15.00 / Lineart - £25.00 / Flat Colour - £35.00 /
Shading - £50.00 / Overlay Textures - £55.00

Extra Character - 50% of Base Price

Sketch - £10.00 / Lineart - £15.00 / Colours - £20.00

Extra Character - 50% of Base Price

Replicate Style

Replicate Style is when I will replicate an already existing and iconic art style.No baseline price is given, as the pricing of pieces in this style is determined by the complexity of the art style that is requested. When you request this style, we will discuss pricing together in DMs before I accept the commission.This style can include extra characters and backgrounds, but this will also depend on the complexity of the requested art style.

⬇️ Click on the Images to open them in high quality ⬇️